I created a sign for our wedding to politely remind our guests to keep their phones away during the ceremony. I love how the cat is looking down at the giraffe- it's really cute! Funny thing is- my husband and I are the same height!
I used others' assets for the background and silhouette, so credit where credit is due.
My recreation of the "Please leave your well wishes" sign. I personalized it to keep our wedding aesthetic the same.
Our signature drink sign, I'm really happy with how the glass turned out. We didn't end up using this sign, because my wedding coordinator called me two nights before the wedding freaking out about how she could not find blackberry syrup. I laughed it off, and we just scrapped the sign- no big deal! Anyways, this is what it would have looked like.
Name cards for seating. The carrot, cow, or chicken in the corner helped the waiters and waitresses give the right meals to the right people. I printed the silver foil name cards at home using a template. Luckily only my Mom joked about calling her a cow!
Wedding Signage


Wedding Signage
